Frequently Asked Questions

What is Virtual Dog Training, anyway?

Virtual Dog Training is personalized, customized, one-on-one remote dog training sessions done online in the comfort of your own home. Through these virtual sessions, we will address any issues you are having with your puppy/dog and enact functional training exercises to teach, as well as alter any problem behaviors you are having. The Dog Trainer Online by EveryDog is committed to your success for your dog training goals and needs!

Are virtual dog training sessions effective?

We wouldn’t be offering this type of dog training if it was not proven to be effective. We care WAY too much to conduct dog training that would be insufficient or not beneficial to any of our clients. Essentially, instead of doing, we are expertly coaching you during these real-time sessions, and giving you the information and tools for success.

What can I expect doing virtual sessions with The Dog Trainer Online?

You can expect 100% commitment to you, your dog and the goals and issues you have for needing dog training advice/guidance. We will take a detailed history during our FREE consult so we have the best understanding of your dog and situation. We will explain how we can achieve those goals with a clear path. Then, sessions are tailored specifically to the dog training goals you have for your pup/dog. You will receive written follow-ups after each session, detailing what you need to work on. Furthermore, we are committed to being available between sessions should you have ANY questions or concerns.

What is force-free dog training?

Force-free dog training is based on proven, evidence-based, scientific methods. Humane and effective, our philosophy handles any issue, from puppy training to aggression. We deal in a proactive and causative approach, rather than reacting to the problem, and only dealing with the symptoms. This holistic approach yields long-lasting results without using any force, intimidation, coercion or fear-based tactics. You will be able to train your puppy/dog and make sure your relationship with them is not negatively impacted.

What dog training issues do you deal with?

The Dog Trainer Online can advise on ANY issue you are having. Need puppy training? We have you covered. Having trouble with loose-leash walking? Check. Your dog is having aggression issues? We can help. Separation anxiety? We can devise a plan for success. We’ve helped thousands of dogs and would love to add you to the list!